

Springtime is Pib’s favorite time of year. She loves the new babies and it is obvious every year all the kids adore her. It is Pib’s sole mission of love to give her full attention to each kid and clean up after every one.

Pib never received any basic training due to her rough start in life from the pain she endured for close to 2 years. However, to her credit of empathy, Pib has had a natural understanding of everything and everyone. Some might say it’s uncanny or human like understanding she possesses of what is needed at the moment. I just say; "That’s my Pib".
In the photos below, Pib is directing our pigs to dry ground when we recently had sheet flooding which is not a common occurrence, hence I had camera in hand. The pig’s pen was flooded. Pib was excited to get them out and then when we opened the gate for the first time to release the pigs, she just gently and confidently guided them to where she knew best, a kennel in front of our yard that was dry. We only followed after letting the pigs out, giving no direction to Pib or the pigs. We only wanted them out of their pen. We were amazed once again by Pib and her understanding. I’ve read articles on occasion that some say animals have no reasoning. Hummmm, must have been coincidence.

These last pictures show not only Pib’s love, but how she is loved. As they say;
A picture is worth a thousand words.


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