
Spring marches on.

As our babies begin multiplying, so do our visitors. Friends and family come for their annual “baby fix”. It is truly intoxicating even for us veterans who have become addicted to our love of goats. Can any of us truly describe the feeling of warmth and affection that washes over us from holding a kid which snuggles in our arms and nuzzles in our neck or nibbles on an earlobe?

We finished with a splash of color out of Candy Kisses, naming her daughter Butterfly Kisses 4U
Scotch finished up, surprising us with a single kid out of the clear blue. I had questioned all along if she was bred. She surprised me and give us the icing of the kidding season with a beautiful single doeling, we’ve named Za Scotish Mist.
Our kidding season ended with a total of 27 bucks and 10 doelings. Two young ladies went into new homes while the remaining 8 we chose to remain with us and freshen out. All in all, it was a good season. All our does had easy births and no major complications thank God. I’m grateful for what the Lord provided.

It’s hard to let go of our babies maturing into young, energetic kids which are full of bounce and abounding energy, as they grow past the point of baby snuggles. Yet, the kids always seem to know they are never to big for a snuggle. Even our mature milkers look for hug coming into the milking parlor or their kiss upon leaving.


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