
We had borrowed M’s Sagebrush Puddn’s Kisses, aka; Kiss, from my girlfriend last fall for my specific planned breeding, using him to cover our beloved Pudd’n, which produced the beautiful Fiesta Puddn Ol’e. Kiss hung out here with us over the winter and into early fall before he was needed back at his home for my girlfriend’s fall breedings. Fortunately I was able to get in a breeding with him before leaving, to Jacobs Pride Tri 2 Spot’m. 2Spot is a 2007 doe that’d been open since her first freshening and I wasn’t willing to give up on. She’d freshened as a yearling but that was it. I had been unable to get her settled from that point on. 2Spot had become cystic and my attempts at clearing it up had been unsuccessful up until last fall. My last attempt was using a method from a woman who’d dealt with cystic does and used the treatment successfully for years. Another friend had been experiencing the same situation with a top doe of hers that was also cystic. We both decided to use the woman’s treatment and we had success! We’re both very grateful to her! Last fall was 2Spot’s last chance. I despise having to come to those infamous last chances. So now, it is with great anticipation I look forward to
Kisses last kids from a doe on her last chance. Hummm, I think the name; “Jacobs Pride 2nd Chance Kiss” might be in order should I be blessed with a doeling out of 2Spot by Kiss.


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